Teaching: Physics of Cognition

This is a new course that presents the framework we are developing for the Physics of Cognition.

Course Philosophy:

The purpose of this course is to offer a basic and broad framework for students interested in exploring the Physics of Cognition. The general outline of the course is to teach basic neuroscience phenomena from the ionic level to multi-circuit function. Students will learn how to apply the fundamental physics perspective to neuroscience problems. Students will also learn the scales over which cognitive functions occur. Students will learn the limits to our current understanding of the Physics of Cognition and areas they may be interested to pursue in their careers.

This course is designed so that every student can learn the tools and framework regardless of their background. Students from a biology/chemistry/psychology/neuroscience background will learn the fundamental physics perspective and approach to understanding neuroscience at a level of introductory calculus. Students from a physics background will learn the fundamentals of neuroscience and how to apply their physics perspective to these problems.

Background Expectations:

This course is designed for students with introductory biology, mathematics, chemistry, physics background. Students are expected to have taken mathematics up to a single semester of calculus. Students are expected to have taken the first semester classical physics and second semester physics courses. Students are expected to have taken a college level introductory chemistry course. No college level biology course is expected, but is recommended.

This course is currently being offered in Fall 2021.

Please stay tuned for updates and future offer dates.